You can find our products at the following retailers:
K-Citymarket Päivölä, Seinäjoki
K-Citymarket Stenhaga, Vaasa
K-Citymarket Kokkola, Kokkola [/one_fourth]
K-Supermarket Wasa, Vaasa
K-Supermarket Piffi, Mustasaari
K-Supermarket Jeppis, Pietarsaari [/one_fourth]
Prisma, Vaasa
Prisma, Pietarsaari [/one_fourth]
S-Market Nykarleby, Uusikaarlepyy
S-Market Köpings, Maalahti
S-Market Laihia, Laihia[/one_fourth_last]
K-Market Oravais, Oravainen
K-Market Pietarsaari, Pietarsaari [/one_fourth]
Minimani, Vaasa [/one_fourth]
Ekokauppa Mirtelo Oy, Seinäjoki [/one_fourth]
The product assortment may vary between individual resellers.
Fancy becoming a distributor for Bacca Vital-products?
Please contact us by email info(a) or by phone +358 (0)50 324 9751, or by entering your contact info in the Contact form and we will be in touch with you.